Monster Media's Windows Collection 2
Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO
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CAADT.ZIP 39677 03/19/96 [00] Computer Aided Alcohol Design Tools.
+Facilitates the building of alcohol
+compounds. The Periodic Chart and an Alkene
+Calculator are easily accessed through push
CALC32.ZIP 1016598 01/15/96 [00] Metric Conversion Calculator v1.0 for Win
+95. Converts many different formats.
CMSTR35.ZIP 874072 02/08/96 [00] Conversion Master Engineering Calculator
+v3.5. Powerful dimension and conversion
+calculator with over 3200 different unit
+conversions built in. It accepts input in
+Degree Minute and Seconds, Decimal, Meters
+or Feet, more.
CONVERTB.ZIP 6540 02/17/96 [00] Easy Measurement and Temperature Converter
CONVRT.ZIP 114963 03/20/96 [00] Metric/Currency Converter v1.08. Converts
+units of measure as well as currency.
CURFIT13.ZIP 563642 03/25/96 [00] Curvefit v1.3 for Win 95. Calculates Linear,
+Non-Linear fit equations and Data Regression
DPLCR102.ZIP 119513 02/07/96 [00] Duplicare v1.02. Roman Numeral calculator.
ECGENE10.ZIP 399478 02/21/96 [00] EcoGene v1.0. For the analysis of gene
+dynamics for use with behavioral or
+ecological data. Intended for use as both a
+research and educational tool.
ECCALV10.ZIP 771384 03/30/96 [00] EasyCal v1.0. Slim calculator with 3D
+apperance, always on top of screen. Includes
+a metric converter and lets you link EasyCal
+to the app you are currently using and send
+the date, time, and/or calculation result to
+the linked app.
ENGI_H2O.ZIP 147819 03/13/96 [00] Engi H2O v1.1. Specifically suited for the
+engineer (or student) who regularly has to
+determine physical properties (enthalpy,
+entropy, specific heat, etc.) of water/steam
EXCHNG31.ZIP 395869 04/14/96 [00] Exchange v3.1. Award-Winning Currency
+Converter. Quickly and easily calculates
+foreign money values. Intuitive design makes
+it simple yet powerful to use. CompuServe
+members can have Exchange update itself
G_CALC.ZIP 185498 03/14/96 [00] G-Calc v1.0. Nice freeware calculator.
HRCAL20.ZIP 327545 03/04/96 [00] HRCalc v2.0. Astronomy approximates stellar
+radii given a star's luminosity and
+effective temperature. Useful for amateur
+astronomers, educators and students wishing
+to gain further insight into the
+Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
IMPCON35.ZIP 7304 01/14/96 [00] Imperial Converter v3.5. Converts various
+units of measure between Imperial and Metric
+values. It can convert: Length, Distance,
+Temperature, Weight.
KALKUL11.ZIP 395548 02/16/96 [00] Kalkulator v1.10. Powerful sci/eng
+calculator with more than 100 functions
+(stat. Distributions, Euler, conditional,
+user-defined), function graphs, statistics
+(mean, s.d., histograms, poly regression),
MEASR10B.ZIP 57617 04/01/96 [00] Measures v1.10b. Convert 100's of measures
+from U.S. to Metric and from U.S. units to
+other U.S. units. Actually makes unit
+conversions fun and will save time and brain
OL4WIN10.ZIP 467290 01/24/96 [00] Ohm's Law Calculator v1.0. For electrical
+design (students, hobbiests, technicians,
+engineers, etc.). Applies the two basic
+equasions (I=E/R and P=IE).
RTKSP108.ZIP 1306130 04/03/96 [00] R-Tek Scratchpad v1.08. Self-documenting,
+programmable, printing, graphing, scientific
+scratchpad calculator. Math expressions look
+like you would write them yourself. Handles
+fractions, mixed numbers, exact math, trig,
+linear algebra, more.
SACALC.ZIP 111405 02/18/96 [00] AviaCalc v1.0. Calculation/ conversion
+utility for Avia engineers, pilot, aircraft
+instruments manufacturers.
SICON50.ZIP 705307 01/25/96 [00] SICon v5.0. Unit Conversion Utility.
+350,000+ unit conversions possible. Converts
+imperial to metric, metric to imperial, etc.
+Features printing, calculator, save to file.
+Includes 600+ material densities, periodic
+table, more.
UCONV210.ZIP 262102 03/22/96 [00] U-Convert-It v2.10. Convert units of
+measure. Intuative interface features a
+built in calculator with many cool
+functions. Also accuracy formatting, unit
+swapping and clipboard functions.
VT13.ZIP 14984 04/04/96 [00] Visual Trigonometry v1.3. Interactive
+demonstration of the functions and theory of